Tuesday, 12. December 2023

New Album-Songbook "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune"

Learning German with the help of Max Raabe songs? Here´s your ideal workbook: the new songbook of our latest album "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune". It contains the piano music, lyrics and guitar chords of 13 songs, including "Ein Tag wie Gold" from the successful TV series "Babylon Berlin"!

Thursday, 30. November 2023

Pre-sale 2025

In 2025 we will be playing a new concert program. The first dates are now on sale via our dates-page.

Thursday, 02. November 2023

Zeit Online Podcast

In the podcast "UND WAS MACHST DU AM WOCHENENDE?" Max Raabe talks about why he never expected to be so successful and about his biggest talent: switching off. To be heard on ZEIT.DE.

Saturday, 07. October 2023

MR&PO In TV Show "Verstehen Sie Spaß?"

On October 7 Max Raabe & Palast Orchester were in the TV show "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" - the German equivalet to Candid Camera. Not only did we present our new album "Mir ist so nach dir" ( currently rank 8 in the German charts!), Max Raabe also played an assistant waiter from Berlin in a Viennese Café. Hillarious! You can see for yourself in ARD Mediathek, the archive of German TV station Das Erste.

Saturday, 30. September 2023

Our Newest Videos

We have selected a few songs from our new album "Mir ist so nach dir" that can now be watched as videos on YouTube:
-> Mir ist so nach dir
-> La Mer
-> Erstens küss ich nicht.
Order new album "Mir ist so nach dir" here.

Friday, 29. September 2023

Neues Album "Mir ist so nach dir" jetzt erhältlich

Ab heute, Freitag 29.09.23, ist unser neues Album "Mir ist so nach dir" hier erhältlich.
Bei der Premierenfeier zur vierten Staffel von Babylon Berlin spielten wir einen Titel, den es in der ersten Staffel der TV-Serie zu hören gab: Mir ist so nach dir. Daraus entstand die Idee, dieses Album, ausschließlich mit Original-Titeln aus den 20ern/ 30ern, aufzunehmen. Enthalten sind viele Lieder aus unserem aktuellen Konzertprogramm.

Friday, 29. September 2023

Start der vierten Staffel Babylon Berlin

Ab Freitag, den 29. September um 20:15 startet die vierte Staffel von „Babylon Berlin“ in der ARD Mediathek, ab 1. Oktober um 20:15 Uhr werden die Folgen im Ersten ausgestrahlt. Max Raabe und Annette Humpe schrieben dazu die Titelmelodie "Ein Tag wie Gold" und wir sind als Orchester in einer Sylvester-Szene auch mit dabei! Viel Spaß

Wednesday, 27. September 2023

New Concert Dates 2024

Mango and we now proudly present additional dates 2024 for our show "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune" on our dates-webpage, including safe ticket links (beware of scammers!). Herewith, our concert year 2024 in German speaking countries is complete!

Monday, 21. August 2023

Max Richard Leßmann and Max Raabe have a chat

For the digital musik magazin Diffus Max Raabe and singer, podcaster and poet Max Richard Leßmann met for an interesting chat. To be seen and heard here on YouTube.

Saturday, 24. June 2023

"Fahrrad fahrn" in Bielefeld

"Fahrrad fahrn" by Max Raabe and Achim Hagemann has been used for a wonderful video by the city of Bielfeld. In it, Bielefeld cyclists ride through the town singing the song - each of them with a very personal interpretation. The video is part of the initiative "Bielefeld fährt Rad", aimed at getting more citizens to use the bike and to create more offers and possibilities.

Friday, 09. June 2023


Karim Dabbèche puts forms and figures in motion for music videos. Take a look on YouTube how he has connected music and images for the song "Strom" by Max Raabe und Achim Hagemann. Enjoy!

Friday, 09. June 2023

Remix "Es wird wieder gut"

Hardly anyone stands for electronic music from Berlin as much as Dirty Doering. With his sets and tracks like 'Cape of Good Hope' or 'If I Could I Would' he carries the spirit of the Spree river out into the big, wide world of techno. Now Dirty Doering has created a groovy remix of Max Raabe´s "Es wird wieder gut" - to be heard on all streaming channels and YouTube.

Wednesday, 29. March 2023

New Music-Video "Es wird wieder gut"

The song "Es wird wieder gut" by Max Raabe and Achim Hagemann gives hope in trying times. Now there is a video "Es wird wieder gut" by cartoonist Alexander Gellner, turning it into a lovely and unusual animated story.

Thursday, 02. March 2023

New Concert Dates 2024

New concert dates for 2024 are now on sale for 2024 via our dates page.

Wednesday, 15. February 2023

Berlin Concerts: 2023 Sold Out, 2024 Now On Sale

All Berlin concerts of our show "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune" are sold out this year. For February 2024 further twelve concerts are now on sale at the Admiralspalast-Theatre. Between 13.2.24 and 25.2.24 we will be performing Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 6pm.
Safe ticketlinks are to found on our concerts-page.

Sunday, 29. January 2023

"We are really an elderly students band"

Max Raabe was guest in the podcast "Friede, Freu(n)de, Eierkuchen" by Sissy Methschke.
-> Podcast
-> Album "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune"

Friday, 27. January 2023

Max Raabe In Barbara Schöneberger´s Podcast

Barbara Schöneberger asked Max Raabe to be her guest for the 100th edition of her podcast "Mit den Waffeln einer Frau". He talks about punctuality, chickens and how Herbert Grönemeyer moved him to tears. Max also gives tips for the best way to whistle.
--> The podcast is available on all streaming platforms and on Barbaradio.

Sunday, 01. January 2023

"Wer hat hier schlechte Laune" On Tour

Our very best wishes for 2023!
For us the new year starts with a brand new show: "Wer hat hier schlechte Laune". Max Raabe has written wonderful announcements, our partners from Katapult Filmproduktion have produced devine videos and our lighting magicians Dirk Lehmann and Johann Börner will bring our music to colourful life with modern lighting technology.
We are back on the road as from January 19. We would love to know what you think of the show so please let us know via our social media.
-> Dates, tickets and Info via our dates-page.